Our Values

We Live By Our

Core Values

Our Core Values form the foundation of all our actions and decisions. At Emerald, each individual plays a crucial role in delivering exceptional service, with no part being deemed more or less significant. Our success is a result of our collective teamwork, and that’s why we hold ourselves responsible for upholding our Values. These guiding principles permeate every aspect of our business, guiding us towards continued excellence.


Courage to Do Better

Innovation takes courage. We aspire to create solutions to make our businesses better. Celebrate and give credit when we innovate.


Treat others as you expect to be treated

We are humble and respectful. We’re not perfect, but we grow together. Ask questions before making conclusions.


Develop and grow relationships with trust

We grow relationships that are mutually beneficial through trust, commitment, and investing in each other.


Your word matters

We do what we say we will do. Don’t make our problems other people’s problems is our guiding principle.


Make the future better

We believe in a Zero Waste future, in which all resources are reused. We support our communities to make them better.

Energy from Waste

Sustainable Solutions to Waste Disposal

We take pride in leading the way in waste disposal in Ontario. With our sustainable solutions, we aim to discover a zero waste resolution for our community and maximize the advantages of zero waste-to-landfill.